Notice of Client Rights and Responsibilities
All individuals requesting services at Guidelight Health Inc., have a right to receive such services without regard to race, ethnicity, age, color, religion, creed, gender, national origin, sexual orientation, veteran status, financial condition, handicap or disability, HIV infection – whether asymptomatic or symptomatic, AIDS-related complex or AIDS. No distinction will be formulated in determining eligibility for participation in services provided by Guidelight based on any of these identifiers, conditions or circumstances.
Client Rights
All individuals (or surrogate if appropriate) requesting services from Guidelight shall receive this statement of Client Rights as part of the intake and initial orientation process. Said statement shall conform to all applicable regulations issued by State, Federal and other funders; and shall include, but not be limited to:
- The right to participate in all decisions involving the Client’s care or treatment.
- The right to be treated with consideration and respect for personal dignity, autonomy, and privacy.
- The right to service in a safe and humane setting which is the least restrictive feasible as defined in the treatment plan.
- The right to be informed of one’s own condition, of proposed or current services, treatment or therapies, and of the alternatives.
- The right to consent to or refuse any service, treatment, or therapy upon full explanation of the expected consequences of such consent or refusal.
- The right to withdraw any consent for any service, treatment, or therapy.
- The right to a current, written, individualized treatment plan that addresses one’s own mental health, physical health, social and economic needs, and that specifies the provision of appropriate and adequate services, as available, either directly or by referral.
- The right to active and informed participation in the establishment, periodic review, and reassessment of the treatment plan.
- The right to be free from intellectual, emotional, financial, and physical abuse.
- The right to be free from retaliation, humiliation, and neglect.
- The right to access to information pertinent to the Client in sufficient time to facilitate their decision making.
- The right to informed consent, refusal or expression of choice regarding service treatment delivery, release of information, concurrent services, and composition of treatment delivery team.
- The right to access, or referral to, legal entities for appropriate representation, self-help support services, and advocacy services.
- The right to freedom from unnecessary or excessive medication.
- The right to freedom from unnecessary restraint or seclusion.
- The right to participate in any appropriate and available agency service, regardless of refusal of one or more other services, treatments, or therapies, or regardless of relapse from earlier treatment in that or another service, unless there is a valid and specific necessity which precludes and/or requires the Client’s participation in other services. This necessity shall be explained to the Client and written in the Client’s current treatment plan.
- The right to be informed of and refuse any unusual or hazardous treatment procedures.
- The right to be advised of and refuse observation by techniques such as one-way vision mirrors, tape recorders, televisions, movies, or photographs.
- The right to have the opportunity to consult with independent treatment specialists or legal counsel, at one’s own expense.
- The right to confidentiality of communications and of all personally identifying information within the limitations and requirements for disclosure of various funding and/or certifying sources, state or federal statutes, unless release of information is specifically authorized by the Client or parent or legal guardian of a minor Client or court-appointed guardian of the person of an adult Client.
- The right to be informed of the first names and credentials of the individuals providing services to a Client.
- The right to have access to one’s own psychiatric, medical or other treatment records, unless access to particular identified items of information is specifically restricted for that individual Client for clear treatment reasons in the Client’s treatment plan.
- “Clear treatment reasons” shall be understood to mean only severe emotional damage to the Client such that dangerous or self-injurious behavior is an imminent risk.
- The person restricting the information shall explain to the Client and other persons authorized by the Client the factual information about the individual Client that necessitates the restriction.
- The restriction must be renewed at least annually to retain validity.
- Any person authorized by the Client has unrestricted access to all information.
- Clients shall be informed in writing of agency policies and procedures for viewing or obtaining copies of personal records.
- The right to be informed in advance of the reason(s) for discontinuance of service provision, and to be involved in planning for the consequences of that event.
- The right to receive an explanation of the reasons for denial of service.
- The right not to be discriminated against in the provision of service on the basis of religion, race, color, creed, sex, national origin, age, lifestyle, physical or mental handicap, developmental disability, or inability to pay.
- The right to know the cost of services.
- The right to be fully informed of all rights.
- The right to file a grievance and have oral and written instructions on how to do so. Please refer to information listed below.
- The right to investigation and resolution of alleged infringement of rights.
Client Responsibilities
- Client is expected to actively participate in treatment and help to develop personalized plan of care with their Guidelight team.
- Client will take part in planning and participating in their own treatment program and provide the necessary information concerning their mental health and medical history.
- Client will attend scheduled meetings with their care team.
- Client will contact Guidelight if they are going to be absent from the program to confirm their wellbeing and personal safety is maintained.
- Client will cancel any scheduled transportation provided by Guidelight, if applicable, as soon as the Client is aware they are unable to attend the program.
- Client will ask questions when they do not understand what is happening to them.
- Client will let a member of the team know when they have a problem, have changes to their own safety, or feel sick.
- Client will show respect for the property and rights of others.
- Client will obey the laws which apply to all citizens.
- Client will follow the group and program rules and expectations and ask questions if they do not understand any components of such.
- Client will practice accountability to the best of their ability to support their success in the program.
- Client will participate in collaborating with their care team in achieving self-sufficiency in managing their everyday living.
Addressing Violations of Client Rights
- Guidelight shall ensure that alleged violations of Client rights are reported promptly to the Executive Director by teammates, volunteers, and/or contracted staff.
- Guidelight shall promptly investigate all alleged violations involving anyone furnishing services on the Program’s behalf and promptly take action to prevent further potential violations while the alleged violation is being investigated. Resolution of the violation and communication of such to the Client will take no longer than local agencies allow.
- Guidelight shall take appropriate corrective action in accordance with State law if the alleged violation is verified.
- Guidelight shall ensure that after becoming aware of the violation, all violations are promptly reported to the State survey and certification agency and verified violations are reported to entities with jurisdiction.
Colorado Clients:
Clients may report unresolved grievances to the Colorado Department of Public Health by calling (303) 692-2000.
Massachusetts Clients:
Clients may report unresolved grievances to The Massachusetts Division of Health Care Facility Licensure and Certification.
(617) 753-8150 – during business hours
(617) 363-0755 – after business hours virtualgatewayhelpdeskfaxes@massmail.state.ma.us
Non-Retaliation Policy
- Guidelight will not take any disciplinary action or other types of retaliation against any Client or teammate who, in good faith, reports a concern, issue, or problem to management, or the Executive Director.
Updated: January 2025